Deploy to github using ssl

Introduction Deploying a static site on Github is great, they’ll even serve it over https, if your using there ‘’ domain. If you want to use a custom domain however, you will soon find out that https, is not longer available. Below, I’ll outline how I went about solving this problem using cloudflare. There are probably many ways to do this, so as ever do your research. This is just one of the solutions and I am not saying I did not miss anything!

Moving from to Github

Introduction We have a travel blog, which has some stories and accounts from our travels in Europe. Until we recently moved to Australia, it was updated on a semi-regular basis, however now it is mostly dormant. It was hosted on As it is mostly simple content, I have wanted to convert the site to a static site, so that I could have it hosted elsewhere for free. This move has been on the cards for a long time.

Blast from the Past - Netremote Pocket PC Screen shots

The Past Below is a blast from the past, some work I did in 2002 using Netremote from Promixis to provide some degree of automation in my flat, the front end was supported with muscle provided by Girder, which had a lot of LUA running behind it on my server in node zero. Netremote Pocket PC Screen shots The basis of this ccf (skin) is JLee’s Opus Theme, I have just heavily modified all the pages.

Github & Hugo workflow

There are lots of articles about using Hugo with Github. They are all fairly complex. I spent sometime experimenting with them. In the end I decided, I wanted to simplify. Requirements The requirements for me are: Deploy static site with no cost to me. I did not need to deploy source. Compiled static site is enough. (e.g. HTML) Simple, minimal steps from me. Workflow This setup will enable me to work in Atom editor on posts, which are saved in the source folder.

Watchdog on the PI

Sometimes, it’s handy to have someone on standby to reset a computer, when it freezes in explicably. There is a tool for this purpose. It’s called a watchdog. On most of the PI’s I have had running I have setup a watchdog for this purpose. In short a watchdog, will cause either a hard or soft reset to occur, if it is not kicked by the system often enough. The kick is assumed to indicate an operating system.

Mosquitto on the PI

MQTT is a publish/subscribe messaging system, Mosquitto is on open source broker. Install main package From the command line sudo apt-get install mosquitto Install command Line tools sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients Install C Dev Libraries sudo apt-get install libmosquitto0-dev libmosquittopp0-dev Test subscription mosquitto_sub -v -t ‘#’ or alternatively mosquitto_sub -v -t ‘#’ | xxd


If you have landed here, I wonder how you found your way.. How These pages are hosted as a static site on Github, the static content which forms the pages, is generated with a Go tool called Hugo. What On these pages you’ll find some short posts about things/projects/info, which I have taken notes to remember. These pages are for me to recall how I have completed a task and are as such my “Note Book”.